Pete B I've been running TVH for a few months on a Pi 3B+ without issue. Now I've noticed that about once every 24 hours the CPU starts running at 100% then I can't connect to it. A reboot fixes it but then repeats itself. Any thoughts on the problem. I have not changed anything so not sure what caused the problem.
Pete B Is anyone able to help. It seems like I'm loosing connection with TVH a couple of times a day now.
Pete B Many thanks. Sorry for a newbie question but how do I access the logs. I have looked in the TVH web interface but can seem to find anything. Interestingly when I tried to reconnect in the client app I got an authentication error. If I reboot the Pi it's all working fine again. Then a few hours later it happens again.
Pete B Looks like I have two identical users. I have disabled one. Here's the details of the remaining one attached.
Pete B Seems like I have found the problem. My TVH is installed on a Pi 3B+ and drives a TV hat, two usb tuners and SSD. I added a USB fan and that seems to have been too much for it. I have removed the fan and and now TVH is running perfectly again.