Hello all,
I am trying to pull a stream and relay it with rtmp. I am running ffmpeg like this
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -f mpegts -i http://user:password@myurl:9981/stream/channelid/xxxxxxxxxx?profile=mpegts \-c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryfast \-c:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 \-f hls -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/hls/
Checking the tvheadend logs, I see that ffmpeg connects and is doing its job fine
tvheadend[12066]: subscription: 00DD: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "TalkingPictures TV", weight: 100, adapter: "Sony CXD2880 #0 : DVB-T #0", network: "DVB-T Network", mux: "529.833MHz", service: "TalkingPictures TV", profile="mpegts", hostname="x.x.x.x", username="streamer", client="Lavf/59.2.101"
But about 20 seconds later it disconnects
tvheadend[12066]: pass: Live stream: Write failed -- Resource temporarily unavailable
Jun 07 11:32:50 UKLDN-DP-Network tvheadend[12066]: webui: Stop streaming /stream/channelid/1xxxxxxxxx?profile=pass, muxer reported errors
Jun 07 11:32:50 UKLDN-DP-Network tvheadend[12066]: subscription: 00DE: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "TalkingPictures TV", hostname="x.x.x.x", username="streamer", client="Lavf/59.2.101"
TVHeadend is running on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the tuner HAT. I have checked the processes and it does not seem to be under any sort of stress. It's also strange that it is using a "pass" profile and not mpegts that I specifically stated in the ffmpeg command.
Has anyone had any successdoing something similar?