Hi everyone,
due to some issues (not related to tvheadend), I had to reinstall my raspberry pi (model 3B+, now raspbian os buster) which was running tvheadend smoothly for almost two years. I have to say, I am not a unix expert. I installed tvheadend again via apt-get (version 4.2.8-34~g24a2f59e9) and I was able to get almost everything to work again.
The only thing I am missing is the mobileUI (
https://github.com/polini/TvheadendMobileUI). I was very used to that interface and I really like the overview in that EPG and the ability to record from that. However, copying the files into /usr/share/tvheadend/src/ did not work anymore. Also the other locations mentioned did not work. Does anyone know, where I have to copy the files, that the tvheadend webserver recognizes it?