I hope someone can help me with this problem or point me in another direction, because i am stuck.
I am running:
Version: 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac
In Docker: linuxserver/tvheadend:release-4.2
On a Raspberry Pi 4 with up-to-date Raspberry Pi OS
Input: Triax TSS 400 SAT-IP
On top of that I have pacemaker start the docker image on one of my pis in the cluster, but that should really not make a difference.
I have a tvheadend configuration folder that i pass into my docker container. This configuration runs just fine on my amd64 server and can do everything.
Now when I bring up the docker container on the pi, everything looks good. I can access the webgui. Stream channels from the webgui link via VLC.
But as soon as i try to connect with any of my Kodi devices (all Kodi version 19) tvheadend restarts inside the docker.
I tried to get more details adding logging so my parameters currently look like:
--satip_xml -l /var/log/tvheadend.log --trace CRASH,main,tcp,http,htsp,htsp-sub,htsp-req,htsp-ans,tbl,TS,subscription,satip,iptv,iptv-sub,iptv-pcr,linuxdvb,xmltv
However i still do not see anything in the log, only that it restarted:
2021-04-12 21:41:34.127 [ INFO]:htsp: Got connection from
2021-04-12 21:41:34.129 [ TRACE]:htsp: - method hello
2021-04-12 21:41:34.130 [ INFO]:htsp: Welcomed client software: Kodi Media Center (HTSPv34)
2021-04-12 21:41:34.134 [ INFO]:htsp: [ Kodi Media Center ]: Identified as user 'tvuser'
2021-04-12 21:41:34.135 [ INFO]:htsp: [ tvuser | Kodi Media Center ]: Privileges updated
2021-04-12 21:41:34.135 [ TRACE]:htsp: [ tvuser | Kodi Media Center ] - method authenticate
2021-04-12 21:41:34.137 [ TRACE]:htsp: [ tvuser | Kodi Media Center ] - method getProfiles
2021-04-12 21:41:34.139 [ TRACE]:htsp: [ tvuser | Kodi Media Center ] - method enableAsyncMetadata
2021-04-12 21:41:35.542 [ INFO]:main: Log started
2021-04-12 21:41:35.545 [ INFO]:http: Starting HTTP server
2021-04-12 21:41:35.545 [ INFO]:htsp: Starting HTSP server
Does anyone have an idea what could cause the issue? Or what further trace subsystems could i enable that help get more details?
In case there is any information missing i'd be glad to provide it.
Thanks for looking at,