Hi all,
after some days of research in the web I decided to open a thread here. I have the problem that DVR recordings can only write files with a size of 2GB. The TVHeadend log then looks like this:
2021-04-11 10:31:18.930 dvr: Unable to change directory permissions to "775" for "/config/LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids" (keeping "755")
2021-04-11 10:31:18.931 dvr: /config/LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids/LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids-----LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids_Gameshow,-D-2021_Altersfreigabe_-ab-12.mkv from adapter: "Sundtek DVB-S/S2 (VIII) #1 : DVB-S #0", network: "Astra", mux: "11464.25H", provider: "ProSiebenSat.1", service: "SAT.1 HD"
2021-04-11 10:31:18.931 dvr: # type lang resolution aspect ratio sample rate channels
2021-04-11 10:31:18.931 dvr: 2 H264 1920x1080 16:9
2021-04-11 10:31:18.931 dvr: 3 AC3 ger 48000 2
2021-04-11 10:31:18.931 dvr: 4 TEXTSUB ger
2021-04-11 11:21:33.646 mkv: /config/LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids/LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids-----LUKE!-Die-Schule-und-ich---VIPs-gegen-Kids_Gameshow,-D-2021_Altersfreigabe_-ab-12.mkv: *Write failed -- File too large*
I am using TVHeadend in a Docker container from this image: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/tvheadend in version: HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1923~gaaca05cc1
The data is currently written in the container to /config, which I have mounted from the host. When I connect to the running container via bash:
docker exec -it tvheadend2 /bin/bash
I can create larger files without problems in the corresponding folder of the running container:
pi@raspi:~ $ docker exec -it tvheadend2 /bin/bash
root@650787120ab5:/# cd config
root@650787120ab5:/config# dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile.ts bs=1M count=5000
5000+0 records in
5000+0 records out
5242880000 bytes (5.2 GB, 4.9 GiB) copied, 28.998 s, 181 MB/s
The dvr config looks like this:
"enabled": true,
"name": "",
"profile": "45d9bec4fa1465796a1751925f767fec",
"pri": 0,
"retention-days": 2147483646,
"removal-days": 2147483647,
"remove-after-playback": 0,
"pre-extra-time": 0,
"post-extra-time": 0,
"clone": false,
"rerecord-errors": 10,
"complex-scheduling": false,
"fetch-artwork": false,
"fetch-artwork-known-broadcasts-allow-unknown": false,
"storage": "/config/",
"storage-mfree": 50,
"storage-mused": 0,
"directory-permissions": "0775",
"file-permissions": "0755",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"pathname": "$t/$t -$ e -$ s$n.$x",
"cache": 2,
"day-dir": false,
"channel-dir": false,
"title-dir": true,
"format-tvmovies-subdir": "tvmovies",
"format-tvshows-subdir": "tvshows",
"channel-in-title": false,
"date-in-title": false,
"time-in-title": false,
"episode-in-title": false,
"subtitle-in-title": false,
"omit-title": false,
"clean-title": true,
"whitespace-in-title": true,
"windows-compatible-filenames": true,
"tag-files": true,
"epg-update-window": 86400,
"epg-running": true,
"autorec-maxcount": 0,
"autorec-maxsched": 0,
"skip-commercials": true,
"warm-time": 30
I therefore suspect that the problem may be somewhere in TVHeadend or is maybe a wrong configuation? Do you have some suggestion how to fix this problem?
Thanks & best regards!