I realised that Ihad changed something: I'd done a "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade". Amongst many package updates, there was also an update of the kernel, from 5.4 to 5.10. If a driver for the PCTV 461e DVB-S2 tuner had been updated in this new kernel, that could explain the symptom.
I've reinstalled RaspiOS from scratch. I'd installed from NOOBS last time which creates several little partitions that prevent the system partition being resized and I'd installed to a 16 GB card which gave a rather small system partition, so I'd been thinking about reinstalling before I had the problem discussed here.
And now, with 5.4.83, everything is working fine. I'll be a bit cautious about upgrading to the latest packages. Or at least, I'll make sure I make an image of the SD card before I do an upgrade. I'd been doing that religiously, but then I got out of the habit...
I've kept the old SD card with 5.10, and I might experiment with downgrading to 5.4 kernel: apparently "rpi-update 453e49bdd87325369b462b40e809d5f3187df21d" will revert the kernel.
If it is a kernel problem, I wonder how we report it to PCTV in case they have supplied a duff driver to the organisations that build kernels for various flavours of UNIX.
One thing that I have noticed with TVH is that after a reboot I initially get recordings with no (or very few) continuuity errors reported. But after a few days,
all the tuners (DVB-S2, DVB-T2 and DVB-T) start to report continuity errors at an every-increasing rate. I've got into the habit of rebooting the Pi every couple of days. That shouldn't be necessary. Am I right in deducing that because it affects all tuners and not just one, it coudl be a TVH problem rather than an individual driver/tuner problem?