Flole Systems wrote:
> For this software this separation no longer exists as there are no active developers. Everyone is a user at this point and that makes every user a developer aswell. So there's no point in making someone hoping to get a new feature while there's nobody who can implement it. Sure, you can tell everyone to open a feature request but what's the point? That doesn't get it fixed faster or whatever.
> If users want enhancements they should move to paid software with a support contract. Tvheadend can not offer this at the moment as there are 0 developers. It's sad but that's the truth.
> Tvheadend is open source software, the entire point of that is that everyone can enhance the code in case they need a feature which isn't there at the moment. Or maybe someone knows someone who enjoys contributing to open source software and wants to implement it. I talked to someone about why he doesn't contribute and the answer was basically "the feature I need is already scheduled for 4.4 so I'll wait for that". I don't know why you want users to be under the impression that they can just drop a feature request and then it'll be implemented soon when that's clearly not the case.
> Other projects simply reject all feature requests with a comment that currently no feature requests are accepted unless the requester wants to be assigned to it.
> Long story short: We should stay honest and don't give anybody the impression that adding a feature to the feature request list makes any difference. It doesn't. Not at all.
user#14626 connect me on mail, to explain privately about how some simple changes that can help to our not so small community.
Some of us have experience in other directions with can help to this project.