Aidan Dorc
I'm new here and with Tvheadend...
I've just setup a box with Raspberry Pi4 + Dvb Tv Hat + kodi.
It's all ok with Tvheadend, everything it's working fine..
Just a question, is it possible to see at the same time a Tv channel on kodi connected to Tv set and another channel via browser on pc selecting it for example in the configuration page:9981 ?
I'm just trying but it doesn't work. Is it normal or something can be configured?
Thx & Bye
Ron L
I assume the DVB TV Hat is a single tuner device. This means it can only tune one frequency or one MUX at a time. Each frequency MUX likely has several channels contained. You can watch any channel in the same MUX on as many different devices as your network bandwidth will support. If you select a channel that is on a different MUX then Tvheadend will send a no tuners available error message and the channel cannot be played as long as the first device is still viewing.
Aidan Dorc is in this way, as I imagined...
Thank You