I've got a RPI4, 4GB, raspbian OS, to which a external HDD is connected and at the same time the Pi is running tvheadend, oscam, qbittorrent. The whole network is gigabit, NAS is formatted EXT4, when copying files I get 60-100 Mb/s.
Recently I was copying a large amount of files across the network to the "NAS" (the external HDD connected to the pi), while tvheadend was recording a tv-show. The result was that the quality of the recording was bad. Unfortunately I don't have these recordings anymore, but I suspect the copying of the files was consuming so much bandwidth that there was data loss (conclusion drawn from looking at data from nethogs and htop, but maybe I'm wrong here??).
So I was thinking about prioritizing the network bandwidth so that tvheadend would always hava the highest priority and thus this problem would not occur anymore.
I read about tc, but there are also simpler options like trickle and there may be others.
I'm a bit of a newbie, so before going down the completely wrong road, my question is: what's the best way to accomplish what I have in mind?