A few years ago I made a guide for myself (and others) about how I used to run Tvheadend on Debian in a VM running on hyper-v, I like you mostly use Windows.
The guide is here:
And in that guide there is a section on using automount to a share on a windows pc from the linux machine.
I'm not sure any of that is of much use to you but read it and things might work, best of luck :)
Here's the snip from that guide:
As I wrote above I use a Windows machine to store all larger recordings, its a Win10 called mypc and have ip with a share called recordedtv, ther is a local user on it called kodi with the passwork kodi and this user have full permissions on the share and folder on the machine.
I dont want this to be permanently attachaed - so the solution is autofs.
To add recordings to my Windows machine here is how:
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils autofs
sudo mkdir /mnt/mypc
sudo chmod 7777 /mnt/mypc
Add this at the bottom of the file and comment the line +auto.master and paste the info
sudo nano /etc/auto.master
/mnt/mypc /etc/auto.mypc --timeout=60 --ghost
To save: ctrl+o (enter)
To exit: ctrl+x
sudo id hts
Replace uid and gid with what the user hts have on you system and then paste the line
sudo nano /etc/auto.mypc
recordedtv -fstype=cifs,rw,username=kodi,password=kodi,uid=107,gid=111 ://
To save: ctrl+o (enter)
To exit: ctrl+x
Restart it:
sudo /etc/init.d/autofs restart
In TVH webgui enter this as recordingpath to store recordings on you Win PC: