I have been fighting with tvheadend for two weeks attempting to figure out the logic of how to map the m3u8 file to the XMLTV files properly.
I am working with multiple EPG sources, and can get them imported, however only about 2-3% actually map from services to the EPG.
What I really want to know is this for the following example, what is matched against the channel values in the XMLTV output?
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="syfy.us" tvg-name="SYFYP" tvg-logo="
https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/341-3418694_syfy-2017-vertical-logo-2-syfy-logo.png" group-title="US ENTERTAINMENT",SYFYP
I have tried messing with tvg-id, tvg-name, and the string data at the end of EXTINF line, then re-running the EPG import. I have changed all of these values multiple times to just about every conceivable pattern to match with XML EPG data, but I cannot figure out the pattern that is reproducible. I have tried matching against channel id:, but only against tvg-id with no luck. I have not tried in tvg-name, since that seems to screw other parts up.
This is where I THINK I should be matching in the EPG itself:
<channel id="I24533.json.schedulesdirect.org">
<display-name>Syfy (Pacific)</display-name>
<icon src="
https://schedulesdirect-api20141201.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/assets/stationLogos/s24533_dark_360w_270h.png" width="360" height="270" />
My hope is that someone can say for example tvg-name must match or fuzzy match a display name, or something like that. I know it is me that is causing the issue not tvheadend itself, I just cannot find a "source of truth" on how the EPG data gets matched to services or channels in a scan (forced or not).