Hi, Im now setting up on a new machine with a second card added.
Debian Buster
dvbsky s952
I've installed both cards and I can get one card working at a time but not both at the same time.
If I put both in, only 1 input on the tbs6982 works and it says no free adaptor if you try to load a second
channel. There's no signal showing on the other cards though this is not clear as the bars are missing.
Ive tried clicking all combinations of enable on the adaptors in setup but only the 1 6982 tuner will work.
If i take the 6982 out both of the 952 spring into life after restarting.
Does anyone have any idea or is this combo not possible.
I tried putting the tbs on msi as in the wiki but no change.
I am going to try and install ubuntu again later as it was a lot less hassle than the Debian which I had to install the latest unstable for.