I'm seeing permanent recurring UDP broadcasts on port 65001 coming out from my raspberry pi, I've now understood this is used by tvheadend to try to discover some device on the network which I don't realy know about called HDHomeRun...
I'd really like to find a way to shut that down, I've read some bug report from back in 2014 stating it had disabled the permanent discovery thing in favor of a single discovery on startup, but I'm using the latest thvheadend available in the raspbian repos : 4.2.4-dmol~bpo9+1~rptl
And I'm still seeing this discovery behaviour about every 30 secs...
I've been looking around in /etc/default/tvheadend and in /var/lib/hts/.hts/tvheadend but I'm not seeing any obvious place where to disable this feature...
Any help in finding out how to stop tvheadend from broadcasting this would be greatly appreciated !
Thanks a lot in advance for your reading and kind help,
Best regards,