Gurabli Gurabli wrote:
> Poul Kalff wrote:
> > Poul Kalff wrote:
> > > Gurabli Gurabli wrote:
> > > > The RUN_OPTS is to access the remote DVB-C minisatip server.
> > > > I don't publish ports since the network mode is set to HOST, since if I'm correct, SatIP server requires the container to be run as host. It doesn't work in bridge network mode. And in host network mode there is no need to publish any ports.
> > >
> > > Ok, I have never used HOST networks, so I don't know, but again, can you ping the external network from within the container? Also, what does the docker logs tell? They would obviously tell whether or nor external networks are reachable
> >
> > Also, can you access the webinterface on 9981? Just to make sure that you are right about the ports not having to be mapped up on HOST networks?
> Yes, I can access the web interface and also ping everything. HOST network mode is new to me as well, never used it before.
> Hm, could it be that port 554 can't be used since no root access in container, therefore the port defaults to 9983? Maybe Panasonic requires this?
> If I run minisatip than TV finds it immediatelly and scans for channels. But I would so much like to use TVH, especially for the recording backend support.
I am unsure of what you mean.... Why would it matter to port 554 that you have no root access? But if you suspect this, just recreate the container with PID 1000 to test it.
I think it is quite likely that this problem has to do with wrong ports (it always is with access problems... ), but you'll have to use a port tool to test from within the container, like nc or telnet. I have no TV with support for iptv, so I can't really help with that.
Also, in your setup, the port to communicate on from container is 8080 (rather than 80), why is that? Have you tested connection on this port from within container? What is port 554 used for? I don't have that set up in my setup (I only use 9981)