I've spent a lot of time trying to fix this myself (reading lots of other posts), but still can't figure out whysome of my channel icons are not working.
I'm using current linuxserver/tvheadend:release-4.2 docker image (Tvheadend 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac) which has Picons already included at /picons directory.
Picons are configured so:
Strangely I getthree kinds of image URLs in my channels list:
The XMLTV icons and those with file:///picons prefix are displayed fine, however those beginning with /logos do not. I have no clue where that path comes from.
I tried to reset icons numerous times... they always come back the same way.
Please note that the file itself exists, but Tvheadend obviously tries to access it in some wrong way (and it's not in a "snp" subfolder):
$ sudo docker exec -it tvheadend ls -al /picons/zdfinfohd.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 abc abc 4447 Jun 23 23:11 /picons/zdfinfohd.png
Also strange: As an alternative, I tried to use as icon path. The webserver isnever accessed and the channel list still remains at file:///picons/... after resetting..!?
Could it be that something is screwed up with my config? Perhaps due do Tvheadend upgrades?