I'm using tvheadend with two IPTV providers. I've set the networks as automatic IPTV and created bouquets, to be able to easily differentiate between two of them.
The first provider is working like charm, I tried to reboot the system, or simply force to rescan the available muxes, and when tvheadend find some new muxes it gets automatically mapped.
In the other hand, the second provider is constantly trying to scan for muxes, it found few services, map them, and then start from beginning and overwrite the existing one, so this network is completely useless.
I even tried to play one of the muxes, just to check if I can do it, and after a few seconds of playing my subscription is closed (overwritten) by the scanning of the network.
I've tried to set limit per network (input limit) to 1 and max bandwidth to some generic value, but this doesn't help.
Can you help me to resolve this issue?
Thanks a lot.