I have a problem to get my Tvheadend 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac running with a unicable sat setting. As hardware I do have a DVBSKy S952 v1, one port connected to a LNB unicable port the second to a legacy port of the LNB. The legacy port works fine. The output of w_scan looks also for the unicable port fine:
w_scan -fs -sS19E2 -a /dev/dvb/adapter0 -c UTF-8 -c DE -u 3:2040:A
w_scan version 20170107 (compiled for DVB API 5.10)
using settings for 19.2 east Astra 1KR/1L/1N/1M
SCR: slot=3, userfreq=2040MHz, satpos=A, pin=-1
scan type SATELLITE, channellist 68
output format vdr-2.0
output charset 'UTF-8'
Info: using DVB adapter auto detection.
/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 -> SATELLITE "Montage Technology M88DS3103": very good :-))
Using SATELLITE frontend (adapter /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0)
-_-_-_-_ Getting frontend capabilities-_-_-_-_
Using DVB API 5.11
frontend 'Montage Technology M88DS3103' supports
FREQ (0.95GHz ... 2.15GHz)
SRATE (1.000MSym/s ... 45.000MSym/s)
trying 'S2 f = 10729 kHz V SR = 22000 2/3 0,35 8PSK (0:0:0)'
(time: 00:00.019) signal ok: S2 f = 10729 kHz V SR = 22000 2/3 0,35 8PSK (0:0:0)
S2 f = 10729 kHz V SR = 22000 2/3 0,35 8PSK (0:0:0) : updating network_id -> (0:1:0)
new transponder: (S f = 11739 kHz V SR = 27500 3/4 0,35 QPSK (1:1:1066)) 0x4043
In tvh I am getting the error in the debug window:
mpegts: 00 in Sat - tuning on Montage Technology M88DS3103 #0 : DVB-S #0
en50494: transponder value bigger then 1023 for freq 9750000 (1210)
en50494: invalid tuning freq
Any ideas?
Futhermore I have a question for set up the unicable: In the unicable parameter window it is possible to configure only one SRC and frequency. How to set up e.g. four different SRC?
Thanx in advance