Anonymous Hello forum! I kinda ran into a snag, I get my channels/playlist via .m3u (url) and same goes for EPG. 1. I did solve EPG through wget and grab it once a day, so thats not really an issue. 2. Channels keep changing url, so it doesnt help to refresh channels; I need to delete and add url again and again. Is there a way to do this also in cli, so I can have it run every nite or suggestions how to solve this problem?
Gergely Cs. Maybe it's a good idea to write a script that communicates with tvheadend using the API. I have automatized user + password add/remove using API. Network/channel also can be manipulated by API.
Anonymous Beyond my knowledge I'm afraid :-) But maybe you've got a few tips so I can get this going?
Anonymous saen acro wrote: > [...] > can import EPG to TVH > > There is a examples in forum. EPG isnt the problem
Gergely Cs. Mr JE JE wrote: > Beyond my knowledge I'm afraid :-) > But maybe you've got a few tips so I can get this going? Post a sample how that m3u looks (of course mask your username/password, and server address if needed) And I will help as I can.
Anonymous #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="-= Swden =-" tvg-logo="" group-title="Sweden",-= Sweden =- Kinda continues like that the whole file.
Anonymous Bump. Still luck with this, I can do it through interface, but it's a hassle on a daily basis.