I use TVHeadend over two different IPTV networks which I then play on my Kodi.
I currently have 4 parallel streams on one of that network and 2 on another. I consistently get streaming problems whenever tvheadend using all those streams for doing pings (may be when it direct the re-fetch of the playlist). I have changed the "Re-fetch period (mins)" to 1 day. But it take quite sometime whenever it is doing those pings to all those channels. I have streaming issues during that period.
Is there a way to disable this and assume that all the channels are active unless I play those in Kodi ?
Another question, can I specify a specific time (during late night) for that auto-fetch (/pings) ? So, that I don't have those issues when I need to play those.
Any help is really appreciated.
Version : 4.3-1857~g221c29b40