Hi all,
I am experiencing some annoying buffering issues when streaming IPTV from my Synology to my Sony Smart TV using Kodi.
My setup:
I have installed tvheadend on my Synology NAS DS218+.
I use the client for Kodi on my Smart TV to stream from the tvheadsend server installed on my NAS.
On the NAS I have installed a fast VPN connection, NordVPN (I dont believe that this is the cause of the stuttering).
Streaming the IPTV directly to my Smart TV using Perfect Player works without any buffering issues.
tvheadsend version installed on the NAS is: 4.3.20191128~221c29b-17.
Is there any way to tweak the settings to get rid of the buffering issues?
I tried using Simple Client to see if it would make a difference, but it doesnt show any channels in Kodi using my credentials like this: http://yourusername:yourpassword@your-tvheadend-ip:9981/playlist
Hope you guys can help me out.
Thanks a lot.