Without authentication the channel icons/picons are showing fine.
But after configuring authentication in both server and client the icons/picons stop showing and log shows the following:
2020-01-24 22:47:41.308 T:140470520899328 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
2020-01-24 22:47:41.313 T:140470520899328 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
2020-01-24 22:47:41.319 T:140470520899328 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
2020-01-24 22:49:51.434 T:140472299624192 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
2020-01-24 22:49:51.435 T:140470529292032 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
Removing authentication shows the channel icons/picons again.
The server and client both run on the same system.
In the web-interface I matched the user with the default account '*' or same as the admin account, but than for 'Allowed networks'
With authentication configured I'm able to change e.g. timer rules for live-tv recordings via Kodi.
Without authentication I cannot change the times via Kodi.
Any suggestion on how to properly have authentication enabled and still have access to the icons/picons?
Maybe I'm just missing a setting option?
System details:
- TVH 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac in a Docker image, with the picons part of the Docket image.
- LibreELEC community build (RetroELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2-devel-20200117095917-28eddc2.img.gz)
- started with the following command:
docker run -d \
--name=tvheadend \
--restart unless-stopped \
--device /dev/dvb:/dev/dvb \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
-p 9981:9981 \
-p 9982:9982 \
-v /storage/.user/docker/config/tvheadend:/config \
-v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/recordings:/data/recordings \
-v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/service.tvheadend42/debug:/data/debug \
-v /var/media/mmcblk2p1-mmc-SA16G_0x2d4b0aeb/service.tvheadend42/cache/timeshift:/data/timeshift \