Hans Rudi Hello everybody, I have the phenomenon that when I set a prerecording time (whether in Kodi, or in Tvheadend), in Tvheadend the correct recording time is displayed, but not in Kodi. In the Kodi the pre-recorded setting is ignored (although in the Kodi settings the pre-recording time is displayed correctly). And now it gets crazy ;-)! The recording starts with the pre-recording time, but the pre-recording is discarded when the regular recording begins?!? In the Android-App TVHClient (full Version) is also displayed the wrong start time. Can you help me to fix the error? I use Kodi 18.2 and TVheadend version 4.2.8-34. Thank you! Rudi
Hans Rudi Nobody here, who can help me? ;-( I think, the problem is a false setting in Kodi, but i can't find the error. In tvheadend the correct recording time is set (EPG-Time + Extra-start-time), but in Kodi the extra-sart time will be ignored ;-(
Hans Rudi After I delete the connection to tvheadend in my kodi and reconfigured it, the problem "solved".