Hey Group.
I'm running TVheadheadend on Ubuntu16.04 Lowlatency with a TBS 6985 Quad DVS tuner card.
I did the apt upgrade - while totally crash my installation. allthough I have saving all my data to /data which is a seperate drive mounted - so actuall all settings work.
The only thing that doesn't wotrk is my EPG.
Since my install is on git source - I use this command to start tvheadend from /etc/rc.local:
/root/tvheadend/build.linux/tvheadend -c /data -l /var/log/tvheadend/tvheadend.log &
Since I running this as root - I've logged in as root and did the
/usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon --configure
But I'm getting this in my logfile when I running the rerun Intenal EPGgrabbers afterwards:
2019-07-14 14:21:45.201 [ INFO]:xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon: grab /usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon
2019-07-14 14:21:45.205 [ INFO]:spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon"
2019-07-14 14:21:45.504 [ ERROR]:spawn: config file ./.xmltv/tv_grab_se_tvzon.conf does not exist, run me with --configure
2019-07-14 14:21:45.508 [ ERROR]:xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon: no output detected
2019-07-14 14:21:45.508 [WARNING]:xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_se_tvzon: grab returned no data
I do not remember this as a tricky part but I do not get why this doesn't work ? since running the grabber manually works fine and collects data - but it doesn't work in the TV headend server