The "&format=short" doesn't exist yet in the code. I meant we can add it to the server if it is of benefit. (In xmltv.c line 159 we'd effectively add "goto done;" before the "if" statement, and add "done:" before line 212 which writes the "</programme>", you can add those two lines yourself if you want to force xmltv to not have those fields since I won't have time to do the proper fix this week).
The SSIPTV is a bit confusing, because this topic says it does not use "tvg-id" to link a playlist to the xmltv.
So I think it is saying it ignores tvg-id from the .m3u file, reads the channel name "Boomerang", and uses that for the "programme" tags in the xmltv file. But, the programme tags in the xmltv fileare tvg-id tags not channel name tags.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="a14232...",CNN
<programme start="20190414144500 +0100" stop="20190414165500 +0100" channel="a14232...">
So, I don't understand how it links the two together.
SSIPTVshould use the display-name from the channels section to convert the hash to the human readable format, since that is how most of the xmltv files are that I have seen.
Examples I've seen are:
<programme start="20120901081500 -0600" stop="20120901093000 -0600" channel="">
<programme start="20181212022500 +0100" stop="20181212024500 +0100" channel="">
<channel id="">
<display-name>RTL Plus</display-name>
The reason it is a hash is because it is unique, whereas the forum suggests you can have two channels from different sources with the same name but different contents like "Discovery" being "Discovery (Europe)" or "Discovery (America)" received in the same house. (And I have about ten channels all called "ITV", but are all have different region shows).
Have you tried manually changing the file to see if it would process the name correctly? So if "abcdef1234567890" is your Boomerang channel, add a "| sed 's/abcdef1234567890/Boomerang/g'" to your processing line after the grep.
curl 'http://localhost:9981/xmltv/channels' | egrep '<?xml|<!DOC|</?tv|</?channel|</?display|</?programme|</?title|</?desc' | sed 's/abcdef1234567890/Boomerang/g' > $OUTPUT.tmp && mv $OUTPUT.tmp $OUTPUT > /dev/null 2>&1