I am running ubunutu 18.04 with tvheadend. I am trying to import my iptv's epg url. The link that was provided was similar to this: (http://iptv name.com:826/xmltv.php?username=me&password=me). I wrote a bash script wiget -o- -q http://iptv name.com:826/xmltv.php?username=me&password=me and I get 404 not found, unauthorized. If I enter my url into my firefox browser, it loads and displays all of the programming but there is a message at the of the page stating "This xml file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is associated below." It will just load the page with the information and will not send a download file. Is there something eles that I have to do to receive a download file?
Can someone provide easy instructions on how I can add the url or how I can download the url and convert it into a xmltv. I have been reading for 2 days and cannot figure this out.