Set up includes DVB network with OTA updates (EIT offset set to UTC) and IPTV network. DVB network is displaying EPG correctly. For IPTV network:
Day 5 E18 has start time at 0000+0800=0800 and stop time at 0800+0800=1600 (duration 8 hours).
Night 5 E20 has start time at 0800+0800=1600 and stop time at 1200+0800=2000 (duration 4 hours).
I'm in Hong Kong and current time is 0956 and EPG has Night 5 E20 currently on. Changing EIT offset between UTC, UTC+8, UTC-8, local server time, stopping and restarting TVH and triggering internal EPG grabber doesn't change the IPTV EPG.
<programme channel="cdaa835e919315742a395d4dd8c62177" stop="20190118080000 +0800" start="20190118000000 +0800">
<title lang="eng">Australian Open Tennis 2019 Day 5 (2) E18[Live]</title>
<programme channel="cdaa835e919315742a395d4dd8c62177" stop="20190118120000 +0800" start="20190118080000 +0800">
<title lang="eng">Australian Open Tennis 2019 Night 5 (2) E20[Live]</title>
Running TVHeadend 4.3. Thanks in advance!