It usually doesn't make a big difference, but you did not mention if this is DVB-S/C/T?
Single/Multiple tuners?
You do not mention anything about live playing channels - is that working?
Chris Hughes wrote:
> Hi,
> A month or so ago my autorecs just stopped working. The odd one will record, but the majority fail. I've no real idea as to how to trouble shoot this. If anybody can help then I'd really appreciate it.
> Suspects:
> 1) Permissions: I've been into libreelec remotely and gone for a chmod 777 on the recordings folder. (but like I said, it was working so I don't think this is the problem)
If some recordings work and you use the same folder, then permissions is probably not an issue, but could be hard drive problems.
> 2) No signal - some of the channels are no longer providing a signal, I'd like to rescan them (dead easy on my old WMC set up that I used for 15 years or so) How do I do this on TVH?
At the highest level, you can select a network and click on "force scan" which will scan all the muxes. Or you can individually try to tune an entire mux (use play arrow or left side of mux). Or manually play a service (same way) and see what the log shows.
> I've found a 'Failed recordings' tab and most say 'Time missed' and some say 'No service available' - I presume the latter will be due to there being no signal.
I never figured out the exact logic with the errors, but usually "No service available" is because the tuner was in use already. Could be the service was not found on the mux any longer??? "Time missed" could be that tvheadend was not running, or it could never get a signal to record. OR if you have "use epg running state" sometimes time problems or bad epg data can cause a recording to be "time missed". I have also seen "time missed" when it could not create the file (conflicting name??)
> What I'd like to do:
> 1) I'd be happy to use kingofsat data to manually input the details of the channels I want (there aren't that many for us) - i.e., stick in the frequency and force a scan, then pick the channels out that I want. Ideally I'd have it automatically scan for those channels every time it finds there is no signal (like a standard freesat or sky box would)
You can't manually enter channels, but you can manually enter (or edit) a mux and then force a network scan (or see above.)
> 2) I'd like to be able to export my 'autorecs' so I don't have to input them all again.
You can backup your whole config, including autorecs. The data for autorec is stored in files in the directory /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/dvr/autorec/ but they reference things like channels, tags and recording profile by uuid, which would be different if you reinstalled and started from scratch. So, you need to backup the whole config. That said, I am not sure of the error checking when tvheadend loads autrecs from file. You could always try to backup all the files and restore them (while tvheadend in NOT running.)
> 3) I'd like to understand how I troubleshoot; i.e., what does time missed mean and how do I fix it?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm on HTS Tvheadend 4.2.7-34 ~ LibreELEC Tvh-addon v9.0.117 using 18.0-RC2 Git:18.0rc2-Leia Dec 6 2018.
> Thanks in advance!!!
There are lots of threads on debugging/tracing. The basic wiki is here:[[]]
Probably the first thing you should do is iron out your "no signal" problem.