I am not sure if this is a bug or by design. I only noticed this issue in last few days when I added a second internal grabber.
I was using internal grabber "tv_grab_file" for XMLTV file import. I recently added more channels for which I needed a second internal grabber. I copied the "tv_grab_file" into "tv_grab_file2" and modified it with location of the second XMLTV file that I needed to import. I restarted Tvheadend and the second internal grabber showed up.
I didn't like the long name of the EPG module, which came from the "tv_grab_file" and "file2". The name was "XMLTV: tv_grab_file ..." So I changed both files and shortened the names so I can identify them easier when assigning EPG sources to channels. I updated the files then restarted Tvheadend.
However the names in "EPG Grabber Modules" did not change. I did some digging and the "config" file in tvheadend/epggrab folder did not update. I did some other changes such as disabling and enabling the grabbers and the "config" file did change. But changing the name did not update the file.
So is this by design or is this a bug? I am assuming it is a bug since the names should update once the internal grabber files are updated and Tvheadend restarted.