After lot of hours of trying I get stucked.
What I would like to do is next. I'm using multiswitcher (multishalter) like from a picture:
I connected tbs6909 with a multiswitch in next way:
Rec1 (switch) -> input0 (tbs6909)
Rec2 (switch) -> input1 (tbs6909)
Rec3 (switch) -> input2 (tbs6909)
Rec4 (switch) -> input3 (tbs6909)
Of course I connected the quattro head correctly, couse from Rec5 and Rec6 I tested on two receivers and every chanell is accesable.
I'm using HTS Tvheadend 4.2.7-17~g45cc65a with open drivers (date: v180822) and from manual it is not clear how I need to configure TVHeadend in this case.
As I understand from link:
I need to use themode1 combination couse themode0 explaining that from picture of manual I need to connect as I connecting quttro head. Am I true?
I did the
/etc/modprobe.d/mxl58x.conf and put the
options mxl58x mode=1 inside the file and did then reboot.
Now if I use as a simple universal configuration like from the pictures:
and scan of frequency alwaysFAIL.
What I'm doing wrong?
The cables are OK, I have with simple receiver signal but on TBS6909 it always fail.
I tried other frequencies too and it is same.
Card is good couse if I put the cable from simple LNB in for example in Input0 of TBS6909 I can scan at least few transponders.
Every help will be apreciate.