Hi all,
I have a TX92 (S912) Box with LE and TvH Server (4.2.5) and Client ( installed. Usually in the early hours of the morning Kodi will reboot by itself, at other times it will just lock up while watching TV.
I enabled debugging yesterday around 4PM and it rebooted itself at around 5AM this morning with the debug file being 2.5GB, yes Gigabyte, in size. Hence I cannot post the whole file but have included the first and last 4000 lines of it. I have also attached a "standard" kodi.log that rebooted at 2:54AM. When it reboots the logs always end with:
02:53:55.483 T:3554349920 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
02:54:02.869 T:3572495200 WARNING: Previous line repeats 2 times.
02:54:02.869 T:3572495200 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled
Any help appreciated.