are there any experiences with IPTV streams with unicast?
The German provider 1&1 used multicast for IPTV streams (called "Digital TV powered by Entertain" as reseller for T-Com) in the past and started its own service with the new brand "Digital TV" using unicast streaming.
I found a thread at kodinerds for tvh/zattoo which also uses unicast (https://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Thread/60875-Skript-f%C3%BCr-Zattoo-Live-TV-und-EPG-mit-tvHeadend-BETA-v0-4-7-2018-09-11/?pageNo=1), but that's the only resource I found for the combination of unicast and TVH.
Does anybody (especially from Germany) has experience with IPTV and unicast?