First post here! I just installed TVH for the first time and I am attempting to setup the tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite grabber to pull in the EPG date from Schedules Direct. I have already run the --manage-lineups and --configure arguments. In addition, I have successfully run the grabber from the terminal (it lists out ALLLL of the program guide that it downloads). However, when I attempt to run that same command from TVH, I get the following response in the log:
> 2018-06-29 13:50:37.607 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite: grab /usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite
> 2018-06-29 13:50:37.610 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite"
> 2018-06-29 13:50:38.526 spawn: Opening the local database
> 2018-06-29 13:50:38.528 spawn: Unable to create settings table in database /home/tvserver/.xmltv/SchedulesDirect.DB: attempt to write a readonly database
> 2018-06-29 13:50:38.549 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite: no output detected
> 2018-06-29 13:50:38.549 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite: grab returned no data
Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong? I even tried to change the permissions of the DB file to read/write.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance