Hi all,
I had the same problem.
* My tvheadend server sits in UTC+1 time.
* TVHeadend in my installation cannot change the local system time, so Configuration > General > Base > "Update Time" is set to "off", and "Enable NTP driver" is also set to "off".
* The local server time is set correctly to UTC+1 and displayed correctly by "date"
* In Configuration > DVB Inputs / Networks the networks were configured to use EIT as "local server time" (equals UTC+1) according to common advice in forums.
* In EPG all program items were shown as starting 1 hour too early as compared to the ground truth on the web pages of the program channels. All clients also exhibited the same 1h offset.
How I solved it:
* In Configuration > DVB Inputs / Networks the networks I configured to use EIT as "UTC" instead of "local server time"="UTC+1".
* In /config I renamed "epgdb.v3" and "epgdb.v3.tmp" and moved all files in /config/epggrab/otamux to "somewhere else". I am not sure whether this is necessary, please verify for your own installation.
* Restart of application / docker container
* In Configuration > Channel/EPG > EPG Grabber click “Trigger OTA EPG Grabber” and “Re-run internal EPG Grabber"
Now it is working correctly for me (EPG time correctly displayed, EPG-based recording starts at the correct time).
So far I hope that helps anyone with this situation.
Now there are things that I still do not understand here and maybe someone can shed some light into this:
* Why would I need to set the network time offset to UTC if the server sits in UTC+1 and local server time is set and displayed correctly (using NTP)?
* Why is no new file "epgdb.v3" automatically created by TVheadend? The renamed file is not used any more, but the newly grabbed EPG data seems not to be written out disk.
* What is actually the stuff in config/epggrab/otamux? has it anything to do with the grabbed EPG data and needs to be removed to start EPG grabbing from scratch?