Context: I'm running TVHeadend 4.2.5-18 on a Raspberry Pi, with a UK Freeview USB stick.
I'm having absolutely no luck getting an EPG into TVHeadend. I've just spent a couple of hours searching and trying out suggestions on forums, but they all seem to come unstuck at the point where you actually set the EPG source for a channel.
My current Configuration->Channel/EPG->EPG Grabber Modules list only has the following enabled: EIT: DVB Grabber, PSIP: ATSC Grabber and UK: Freeview
The Configuration->Channel/EPG->EPG Grabber tab is unchanged from default; with the 00:04 and 12:04 cron job.
The Configuration->Channel/EPG->EPG Grabber Channels tab shows no entries (i.e. completely empty).
If I go to Configuration->Channel/EPG->Channels, I can see that all channels have nothing in the EPG source column. Selecting a channel and hitting Edit allows me to type in the EPG source box, but anything put there is cleared when I move focus to another box (or click Save). Nothing appears if I hit the drop-down to the right of the text box either.
I assume I'm missing something obvious/dumb? Can I not just tell all channels to get EPG info from the UK: Freeview grabber? Or do I need to perform some external setup?