Sagar Kherdekar While playing IPTV for first time it takes more than 3.5 seconds to play but once it played playback is smooth (less than 1.5 seconds). Do anyone know what is cache time for IPTV channels in tvheadend 4.2.5 and is there any way to change it or any way to fill its cache on time? Please help me out. Thanks
Sagar Kherdekar Can someone please explain how we can subscribe particular channel whenever required? Please help!! Thanks
Sagar Kherdekar Its not working for me.Any other option? As per my observation till now each channel unsubscribe by tvheadend in 6 hrs 30 min. Is it possible to subscribe it again before its cache expiry?
Robert Cameron Sounds like a problem with your IPTV provider not allowing streams longer than 6.5h? What does your provider say about this limitation?