i'am trying to get tvheadend on my router (TP-link Archer C7) to work. Therefore i have a testing installation (4.3-710) on my router and also an installation (4.3-404~g454bf0600) for using on my odroid c2 in my network.
Furthermore i have oscam (r11392) installed on a rasperberry pi, conncected to the tvheadend versions via newcamd.
My using installation works without problems.
At my testing installation i can not see encrypted channels, all other channels working without problems.
I get the following messages if i try HD Channels
[WARNING]:TS: kg/130MHz/ProSieben HD: H264 @ #6841: Invalid start code 84:12:a6
[WARNING]:TS: kg/130MHz/ProSieben HD: AC3 @ #6842: Invalid start code 8a:6a:ea
Find full log of tvheadend as attachement
Furthermore the corresponding oscam log (at the router i have not set the right time, therefore the time differ)
2017/12/01 09:10:34 1C4B197B c (client) encrypted newcamd:50002-client granted (tvheadend, au=on (1 reader))
2017/12/01 09:10:34 1C4B197B c (newcamd) user tvheadend authenticated successfully (Tvheadend)
2017/12/01 09:10:34 1C4B197B c (newcamd) AU enabled for user tvheadend on reader KDGKARTE
2017/12/01 09:11:13 1C4B197B c (ecm) tvheadend (09C7@000000/0027/C35F/69:A70F092C43B8582E7C9994BBEE3BE09E:0F06000000000000:): found (304 ms) by KDGKARTE
2017/12/01 09:11:13 560E611E r (reader) KDGKARTE [videoguard2] tvheadend emmtype=global, len=36 (hex: 0x24), cnt=1: written (48 ms)
2017/12/01 09:11:17 1C4B197B c (ecm) tvheadend (09C7@000000/0027/C35F/69:629A0575F941B3DC86CEB91CB30EB20E:0F06000000000000:): found (297 ms) by KDGKARTE
I think oscam working correct.
Does anyone have an idea what is the problem?