Ok, I changed Allowed networks for both users. In both cases changed to, then reboot.
It was only change but now I can not create screenshot, because it is not possible to log in using web access after this change.
Until this change I have no problem to log in, now, it is not possible.
After open http://projekt:9981/playlist/channels in VLC, VLC require HTTP authentification to play any stream (my original name and login is not accepted now).
So, now I need to create superuser account, or remove entire configuration. I thnk it is not good for this software that is not possible find working configuration for anonymous access (maybe it is specific parameters combination, but it is not simple to find this parameters)
It would be a problem to add new global configuration parameter like "Networks allowed without authentification" and set here instead of try and set parameters combination that is impossible to find in any documentation? I'm sorry, I apologize, but I'm disappointed.
Any other tip?