I run Tvheadend 4.2.4-7~ge1e1b46 on Debian 8 and use tv_grab_eu_epgdata to generate a xmltv data and send it to Tvheadend via xmltv.sock.
The xmltv data looks like this:
<programme start="20171108132500 +0100" stop="20171108141500 +0100" channel="br-online.de">
<title>In aller Freundschaft</title>
<sub-title>Am Abgrund</sub-title>
<desc>Annika und Christoph Behnke, beide Mitte 20 und miteinander verheiratet, sind leidenschaftliche Kletterer. ...</desc>
<director>Mathias Luther</director>
<actor>Dieter Bellmann</actor>
<actor>Thomas Rühmann</actor>
<actor>Roy Peter Link</actor>
<actor>Andrea Kathrin Loewig</actor>
<actor>Bernhard Bettermann</actor>
<actor>Karolina Lodyga</actor>
<actor>Patrick Kalupa</actor>
<actor>Jo Weil</actor>
<actor>Philipp Moschitz</actor>
<actor>Anthony Petrifke</actor>
<length units="minutes">50</length>
<episode-num system="onscreen">33</episode-num>
<subtitles type="teletext" />
A lot of information. But the details window shows only very little of it:
Is this normal? Where is the year, the category and the actors? I also use emby with Tvheadend as a client and there are also only the data from the screenshot visible.
I would be glad if someone could help me clearing this up.
Thanks a lot, Mulzi