I have some questions hope some of you can help me i hope :)
So i start i have a ubuntu server with tvheadend and a sat ip server with 8 tunbers all working in tvheadend.
+Also a running oscam server at it with connection at tvheadend with newcamd. descrambling is working.
So my problem how can i limit that only some users have access to CAs in tvheadend. and how can i set that every user have its own newcamd / nline because per line in oscam only 1 user allowed.
I tryed much but not found many at google / here in forum how ci can manage it.
Its simple only some users 1 or 2 or maybe then more should have access at tvheadend streaming with kodi to CAs and every user should have its own CAs newcamd / nline.
I found nothing in expert view and help in tvheadend what i can set to restrict or grant access or and set different CAs for different users.
Hope anyone can help thanks. if you not understand what i want i can descript it simplyer or so hope everyone understand what i want make.