my Wifi is not good so i tried to transcode to save bandwidth.
Currently im running HTS Tvheadend 4.1-2346 on Odroid XU4
Not sure if my hardware is capable but using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i HD.mkv -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 28 -c:a copy -y out.mkv
HD.mkv is a recording from a Hd-channel and i get around 80-90fps.
When setting x264 ultrafast in the transcoding settings my video is stuttering even on sd channels and hd are like 3-4fps at best.
What makes me wonder is that my cpu usage is only 200/800% (8 core system) so maybe its not transcoding on all cores?
Is there something i can try or another way to save some bandwith?