tvheadend built from Git
Build: 4.1-2398~gc38af4c
Configure arguments:
--build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --disable-silent-rules --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/tvheadend --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --arch=x86_64
I would like to not show the shopping and Adult channels in the EPG
I made the following changes when logged on as the admin user created when installed from the .deb
Configuration | Channel/EPG | Channel Tags
added a new tag "Junk", Enabled, Internal and Private are ticked, Sort Index is 0
Configuration | Channel/EPG | Channels
edited each shopping and Adult channel, adding the Junk tag
Configuration | Users | Access Entries
edited the user (the only created user) ticked Exclude channel tags, and selected the Junk Channel tag
When logged on to the web interface as the created user, the channels tagged with Junk are still shown in the EPG, and can be streamed using Watch TV.
I presume that I'm missing something quite basic, but I'm completely lost as to what it might be