a b I have this card: https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/TechniSat_SkyStar_S2 and its using this driver: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/log/?id=refs%2Ftags%2Fv4.6.4&qt=grep&q=cx24120 VDR can scan and then i can tune into the channels that have been find. When i remove VDR and install tvheadend (4.2 or 4.0) i always get while scanning the message: scan no data, failed I tried kernel 4.6 and 4.4 and both didnt change much. I reinstalled fully the system - no difference. In irc linuxstb told me to contact perexg but he was not online at the moment. I dont know what i could do to fix this problem.
Ben Efrati Do you have this file? https://github.com/LibreELEC/dvb-firmware/blob/master/firmware/dvb-fe-cx24120-
a b Yes. As you can see in the dmesg i am using LibreELEC. The link you post is from LibreELEC. In the last line of the dmesg its written "[ 10.864158] cx24120: FW version" Without the file as far as i know nothing would work. Also not VDR.
zofiel elzofio Same problem here. 016-08-15 20:38:57.000 mpegts: 10906V in Astra - scan no data, failed 2016-08-15 20:38:57.000 subscription: 00CD: "scan" unsubscribing but I try a dvb-fe-tool --femon and the signal is good.
a b zofiel elzofio, did you tune into Astra 19.2? If yes, could you try this frequency: DVB-S, Frequenz 11836 MHz, Polarisation H, Symbolrate 27500, FEC 3/4 Set modulation to AUTO.