PICON solved.
TvHeadend documentation is wrong.
"Prefer picons over channel name : If both a picon and a channel-specific (e.g. channelname.jpg) icon are defined, use the picon.
Channel icon path : Path to an icon for this channel. This can be named however you wish, as either a local (file://) or remote (
http://) image. The following placeholders are available:
Placeholder Function
%C The transliterated channel name in ASCII (safe characters, no spaces, etc. - so Das Erste HD will be Das_Erste_HD, but WDR Köln will be WDR_Koln)
%c The channel name (URL encoded ASCII)
Example: file:///tmp/icons/%C.png or http://example.com/%c.png"
... Prefer picons over channel name don't work... in EPG list channels PICON is a concatenation of : Channel number, frequence....ecc..
Channel icon path.... the guide is wrong... Example "file:///tmp/icons/%C.png"??? Without file extension work good : "file:///tmp/icons/%C".
XML is next step.
Anyone.. can you help me?