James Huxtable wrote:
> Mark Clarkstone wrote:
> > IIRC epg data is no longer merged with 4.1, I think it applies to 4.0 as well but I can't be sure.
> Ahh, that's interesting. I'm using one of the nightlies from a few days ago, so I guess this could well be the case.
> Do you know if there's an epg priority in place? Can I prefer EIT over XMLTV on some channels and not others?
Yes you can set the EPG priority, Configuration -> Channel / EPG -> EPG Grabber Modules.
> Off the top of my head, if that's the case, I would have to select specific channels for XMLTV and specific for EIT. Which leads me to ask then, if a channel is XMLTV will the recording still examine the OTA details to adjust times before the recording starts, or will it blindly follow the XMLTV?
I could be wrong here but I believe it'll use the dates and times defined in the epg data and not the ones defined in the EIT.
> Cheers
> Huxty