i'm using zap2xml to grab xmltv xml file. the xml contains extra program details (actor, category etc..) as in here
<programme start="20160501230000 -0400" stop="20160502003000 -0400" channel="I44368.labs.zap2it.com">
<title lang="en">Treblinka's Last Witness</title>
<desc lang="en">Last known survivor Samuel Willenberg, now 92 years old, gives a firsthand account of his life as a prisoner of the Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.</desc>
<actor>Alan Tomlinson</actor>
<category lang="en">Movie</category>
<episode-num system="dd_progid">MV00754068.0000</episode-num>
But on ThvHeadend it srcew up all those details and shows only the title and desc appear to be parsed properly
I'm using tvheadend 4.0.3 on openelec 6.0.1
Any solution please?