I successfully installed Tvheadend 4.0.7 on my Raspberry Pi B+ running OSMC using a DVBSky T330 DVB-C/DVB-T stick.
So after a long struggle with the firmware and getting the proper drivers I got it working and have live TV on my OSMC which is working fairly well. The problem is, a major part of the channels under the tab services are named after my created network follwing by the useless frequency. Only a few channels have the right naming. Do I have to rename these 100 channels by hand? Or how can I force an automatic renaming of the right channels? The "Update channel name"-function over EPG did not work.
Also, some of the muxes appear to be failed after scanning. Is this a normal issue? And how can I enter custom frequencies, for the case that the predefined muxes/frequencies are out of date - in my case: Austria (Liwest)?
Many thanks for your help!