V Asbridge wrote:
> Forgive me if these questions have been covered elsewhere, I searched but did not find.
> I have 2 HDHomeruns from Silicon Dust (ATSC, USA). I am trying to replace WMC, which Microsloth is trying to kill.
> Can someone point me to the following answers?
> - Does TVHeadend support tuner LOCKING on the HDHomerun. Windows does, it sets a lock by IP on any tuner currently viewing or recording. Locking ensures multiple client don't kill each others recordings.
If a tuner is in use by another subscription (viewing, recording or epggrab) it'll try to use the next free adapter. However it will cancel subscriptions based on configurable priorities as long as the recordings have higher priority they won't be cancelled, same goes for viewing subscriptions. The default is Recordings > Viewing > EPG.
> - Does TVHeadend plan on supporting Series Recording? So I could, for example say "Record every episode of XX", or "Record new episodes of XX" This must be accessible from the XBMC GUI, (remote) not via a side app (like the web app).
I know it is possible to set series recording via the webui and you can record programmes via Kodi but I'm not sure pvr.hts does series recording, I do know there was talk of it so it may have been added by now in newer versions but the version I use doesn't have it yet IIRC.
pvr.hts is written by the kodi guys mainly (there is some over spill) you could open an issue on github here if you like: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.hts/issues.
> It's a great piece of code, thanks, but until it can do series recording from inside XBMC it doesn't pass the spouse test.
> Thanks in advance
> HDMan