I'm using Kodi as a frontend on an OpenELEC box. I've configured he tvheadend service to fetch an xmltv.xml file via http from a remote server. I can see on the server that the file is requested when I reboot the OpenELEC box but the EPG is never updated (I only have now/next info from the OTA info).
There's nothing in the kodi log and if I enable debug logging for tvheadend, there's just some preamble and about 100 lines that look similar to
2015-12-03 20:58:20.631 [ INFO]:mpegts: 11739V in 28.2E Astra (0x26f5ac8) - deleting
I have a feeling that there are two issues:
1. The debug log setting is disabled on startup, so I'm missing anything related to xmltv.
2. I might have to explicitly enable xmltv debugging and I don't know what the module name is.
Is there any way to manually force tvheadend to fetch the xmltv data and what debug setting do I need to log xmltv/epg stuff?