I'm new to Tvheadend and to HTPC systems. I chose to implement it on a Raspberry Pi 2 as a family project. I have several years of experience with computers and software. I write scripts, but do not develop applications. I appreciate the effort and time that has been invested in this application. Thank you.
I've been working on my Openelec on Raspberry Pi 2 system, using tvheadend, for a couple of months. One problem that frequently appears in forums is that the internal grabber is unusable because it is disabled. Many suggestions have been made about how to get tvheadend to use the grabber in the webui configuration tool: move the grabber bin to /usr/bin, configure the EPG Grabber tab, check the grabber script, hop up and down on one leg while patting the head and rubbing the belly.
This application is very useful, and a little attention to documentation and configuration in the UI can greatly increase the enthusiasm for its adoption.
1. I have reviewed every configuration file ("config", settings.xml, etc) that I can find, and I cannot find any item where this information is stored.
2. The many posted solutions I have found for this problem here, and on other sites, are guesses about how this function is intended to operate and what it requires in order to operate as expected.
The two items listed above seem to be a significant problem for people wanting to install, support, and encourage tvheadend's adoption. Still, it seems to me to be a simple thing to correct:
Post the location of the configuration item (file, xml tag, etc) that tells tvheadend what it needs, so it will enable the grabber, without blindly trying different solutions without any understanding of the problem and solution.
If there is no configuration item, please create one so we can configure it without having to guess why tvheadend won't automatically display it in the list.
This would probably be much less work than coding the webui to tell the user why it will not display the grabber module. Knowing how to configure something this simple, and important, would definitely increase the popularity of the product.
Thank you.