I followed step by step the guide that I found in this post
Well all is ok, but... I can't descramble my "test" channels.
In particular I saw my tvheadend connected to Oscam and in it User connected (by newcamd) to Tvheadend. I report the oscam log file showing what I said:
2015/10/02 02:15:45 486EC3D3 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8888
2015/10/02 02:15:45 5F485B86 p (reader) ***cccam server***: resolved ip=***cccam server ip***
2015/10/02 02:15:45 5F485B86 p (reader) Reader-0 [cccam] connecting to ***cccam server***:***port***
2015/10/02 02:15:46 5F485B86 p (reader) Reader-0 [cccam] proxy initialized, server ***cccam server***:***port***
2015/10/02 02:15:46 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/10/02 02:15:46 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmcache disabled since no reader is using it!
2015/10/02 02:15:46 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmstats disabled since no reader is using it!
2015/10/02 02:15:46 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading log initialized
2015/10/02 02:15:46 72564009 c (serial) serial: initialized (auto@
2015/10/02 02:15:46 016BE1EE c (serial) serial: initialized (auto@/dev/ttyS0)
2015/10/02 02:15:46 72564009 c (reader) resolved ip=
2015/10/02 02:15:46 72564009 c (reader) network-socket [serial] connecting to
2015/10/02 02:15:46 36867F35 c (newcamd) client connected to 15000 port
2015/10/02 02:15:46 7400DD28 c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2015/10/02 02:15:46 7400DD28 c (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /usr/local/etc/oscam.ccache
2015/10/02 02:15:46 7400DD28 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 0
2015/10/02 02:15:46 36867F35 c (client) encrypted newcamd:15000-client granted (admin, au=off)
2015/10/02 02:15:46 36867F35 c (newcamd) user admin authenticated successfully (Tvheadend)
2015/10/02 02:15:46 36867F35 c (newcamd) AU disabled for user admin
2015/10/02 02:15:49 72564009 c (reader) network-socket [serial] connect failed: Connection timed out
2015/10/02 02:16:19 5F485B86 p (reader) Reader-0 [cccam] disconnected: reason inactivity
Even in oscam, the Reader's status is "connected" though ECM INFO stats in Reader panel are all "0". Same EMM.
My supposition is Reader is not working correctly.
Please, tell me if you need tvheadend logs and/or oscam config files.
This is my NEW system:
Ubuntu 14.04.3
TvHeadEnd Build: HTS Tvheadend 3.4.28~geb79aee~trusty
Oscam Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r11027